Author Kelly Jo Pardue: Writing unique Science Fiction Stories for Adults

author kelly jo pardue interview

Sci-Fi is one of those genres that requires the author to imagine stuff that’s out of this world (quite literally!). And, that’s not everyone can pull off. Fortunately, we came across the author of Regarding Florians, Kelly Jo Pardue who does a great job with Sci-fi stories that are unique, interesting, and creative.

With the release of Regarding Florians: Flashpoint, we had an opportunity to speak to author Kelly Jo Pardue about her book, her writing career, her personal life, and her upcoming books. But, before we get into that, let us give you a brief introduction to the author.

About the Author: Kelly Jo Pardue

Kelly Jo Pardue, Author of Regarding Florians

Kelly Jo Pardue is a science fiction author who has also worked in the military for years. Regarding Florians: Flashpoint is her debut novel published in the year 2022. Kelly is a mother of two and also has cats and Harlow, her service puppy in training.

Born and raised in Colorado Springs, where she lived until she was eighteen before joining the U.S. Army. Afterward, she moved to Mesa, Arizona, and currently lives there.

After trying her hands on mystery and crime genres, she finally knew that sci-fi is her true passion. According to her, she started writing because she needed to do something during her recovery from surgery but that’s not going to be her last novel and she didn’t any further surgeries for writing.

Want to know more about author Kelly Jo Pardue? Connect with the author on Facebook, Twitter, or visit their official website.

Further, Kelly shared about her childhood, writing journey, inspirations, and more interesting things about herself. Here are all of her interesting answers.

Tell us about yourself, your family, occupation, passions, etc.

I’ve been married to a wonderful man for twenty-nine years and have two beautiful grown children, a daughter, and son. I also have three sisters and my stepmom, who all live in Colorado. I am disabled, which leaves my time open for writing. Therefore it can count as both my passion and occupation, even though I’m still in the red at this time ?.

What were you like in your childhood? Any good memory you would like to share?

I was a quiet and reserved child and maybe and little strange at times ?. I loved animals, had a vivid imagination, and created worlds with my toys that rivaled those I brought to life in Regarding Florians!

One of my favorite memories was a high school English teacher who liked to use my assignments as examples for other students if they were struggling to create their own work. It was very validating to have my assignments used as a model for others to utilize.

What do you think has been your biggest achievement till today?

Raising two self-sufficient adult children. You wouldn’t believe how hard that is to do in today’s society! LOL

What made you decide to sit down and actually start writing?

This is an interesting question for me. I’ve been passionate about writing since middle school, but I never thought I was good enough to take it seriously, even though those around me were so supportive.

Finally, after dozens of attempts over a few decades, I was forced to stay in bed due to a medical condition (hip surgery). After reading a few different books, and watching a few various shows and movies, the idea for Regarding Florians came to me. I made a pact with myself to stick with it. And I did!

Which writers inspire you?

Incredibly, my favorite author is Tom Clancy, whose work is entirely different from mine. I would read one of his extremely technical books in a weekend when I was in high school. His books actually convinced me to join the military.

Writing is stressful at times. How do you relax your mind?

Listening to music, playing with my pets, and watching lighthearted television. And in the summer, relaxing in our pool.

What is your favorite motivational phrase?

I don’t really have one.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Believe in your talent. Stick with the writing.

What kind of books do you like to read personally? What are you reading currently?

I like fantasy, dystopian, and some YA. King of Scars by Leigh Bardago. Gotta love Nikoli ?

If you could have been the original author of any book, which one would it be and why?

The Hunt for Red October. It’s my favorite book, movie, and author. I just love it all together!

How is your day structured; do you have a special time to write or is it pretty much random?

I get up early with my husband and help get him off to work then the rest of my day is usually based on any chores or errands I need to run. I like to write in the middle of the day because I’m not tired and the neighborhood is quiet. That’s when I can concentrate the most.

What is the reason you write for; is it for the readers or yourself or something else entirely?

I think it’s more for me, but as I get more readers I think that’s changing. Especially because Regarding Florians will be a Tetralogy, and my readers are asking for book two adamantly.

About your Book: Regarding Florians

Regarding Florians: Flashpoint is a sci-fi novel by Kelly Jo Pardue, which was published in the year 2022. The book follows a daring couple Troy Harlow and his wife Dia from the planet Rygone. They try to flee from the planet. But, were they successful or did it ends up being a total disaster?

The story is full of drama, love, action, traitors, and lots and lots of adventures. Such a great story with an amazing imagination and wonderful characters. The eye-catching plot will keep you engaged throughout the entire journey.

Read Full Review of Regarding Florians: Flashpoint

What genre is your book? What draws you to this genre?

Regarding Florian: Flashpoint is an adult science fiction.

Was there something that made you write this book?

Desire to occupy my mind and a sense of accomplishment in something that I have always wanted to do.

What makes ‘Regarding Florians: Flashpoint’ stand out in this genre?

Creativity. Yes, there are aliens, spaceships, and superhero abilities. But there are also unique personal conflicts, exceptional situations, and coffee!

Why do you think a reader should pick this book over anything else?

It’s not a huge, technical read, even though there’s a lot of technical sci-fi action. It’s character-driven with excellent world-building. Regarding Florians is creative, unique, and fun! I think it even appeals to non-sci-fi fans with the romance aspect as well.

The book has everything from love and betrayal to mind-boggling interplanetary travel. What were the hardest and the easiest things or ideas for you to incorporate?

The hardest, even though the most fun and most rewarding, was the world-building. I had to create a world, several alien species, and everything that went with it. But it was so satisfying! I love Rygone and the Florians. I think about and work with them every day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The easiest was the romance aspect. As a writer over the years, I was hell-bent on not adding romance to a story. I thought it was an overplayed troupe. Now? I think it is an integral part of this story. Almost like it’s its own character.

Is there any special experience throughout the writing process of ‘Regarding Florians: Flashpoint’ that you’d like to share?

The day I signed the contract with my editor is one I will never forget. It made my dream of publishing a book real. Even if I didn’t sell any, I was going to have a published novel, and I was so excited I cried for days. Good tears, good tears. ?

Future Plans

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I want to finish this original Tetralogy and, depending on how it fairs, expand the Florian universe, release prequels, and maybe other stories.

Are you working on your new project? What will be your next book about?

Yes, the second book, Regarding Florians: Genesis, is written and is very close to being on my editor’s desk ?

What does success mean to you as an Author?

Just having my work out for the public to see. Hopefully, someday, I will be out there a lot more!

Do you prefer self-publishing or traditional publishing and Why?

I self-published before trying my hand at querying for an agent. I regret doing so. Not that I regret self-publishing, but I think all authors should try all avenues before going to self- publishing.

One lesson that you’d like to pass on to young debut authors.

Listen to your gut. Write if you have the passion for it!

Your opinion about Vowelor.

I’m here to get my book out there, and Vowelor has helped me start that process. I can’t wait to see what we can do together.

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