10 Wicked Lies Every Book Lover tells themselves & Others too!

10 wicked lies every book lover tells themselves and other too

Well, we all are liars (I am not lying 😛 ). But when it comes to books and book lovers, you sure don’t believe them. Why? Because Book lovers tell the most wicked lies about their love for books.

Don’t you wanna know what are the 10 wicked lies every book lover tells themselves and others too. If you’re a book lover, then today we’re going to blow you cover. Get Started.


10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too!


#1. From today onwards, I am not gonna spend a single penny on the books, I will save it for my future investments.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#2. “I just HATE books. I don’t even like the smell of them. Trust me, Mom.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#3. “Believe me, John, I love you more than my books, You are the first priority of my life.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#4. “I will spend my weekend with you, just you, no one else, it is just you and me honey.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#5. “I swear I am going to give away all my old books for free in this weekend.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#6. “Sure buddy, you can have my favourite book. After all, You are my best friend.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#7. “I don’t believe the content of the books, they are just overrated.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#8. “What? Why would I be needing a library card, I am not even into reading.”

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#9. Honey, In our new house, we are going to have a small library room that I am going to design myself.

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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#10. Do you prefer J.K Rowling? C’mon you can tell me the truth, I am not going to hurt you, I am your friend. *NO*

10 wicked Lies every Book Lover tells themselves and others too
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Next time you meet a Book Lover, BEWARE. You’ve been warned!


Also Read: 11 Awesome Coffee Mugs for Book Lovers to Buy Right Now!
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